Is it me, or has the sun been super bright(er), say, in the last couple of years? Maybe that is why photosynthesis is in overdrive! The riot of color in leaves and flora is incredible, and I love all the variances in hues and shades of so many autumnal tones.
While driving to a soccer match the other day, I didn't have time to park the car and walk across the street to take a few photos, so I took photos on the fly. Since my driver's window was down, I put my phone in my left hand, aimed it at the trees, and snapped away until those maples while driving, and they were clear out of sight. I giggled in autumn drive-by!
Please enjoy the vivid flush of crimsons and scarlets, rich coppers and saffron, hued lemony and golds, and the brilliance of a more funky rainbow riot of glows! What a showstopper, amiright?
Flash Fall Photos in Crofton, Maryland 2024:
Happy Fall, Y'all!