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Writer's pictureTerri Tomoff

T-Shirt Quilt Season

I am thrilled to create treasured keepsakes for this season's graduating seniors from either high school or college. My quilting business is in full swing with a hundred plus T-shirts in my dining room ready to be crafted into a genuine quilt—all stitched with love. They each have their own personalities which I liken to fitting them together like a jigsaw puzzle (with no curve edges!).

Typically, I do not meet the intended recipient of a commissioned quilt. More often than not, it's a surprise gift or needs to be sent to another state.

But not today.

My client, Jenn Sweeney brought her son, Brendan, over to meet me and vice-versa. He is one of the few young graduating high school seniors that has been able to peek into my process a bit; from the shirts on the dining room table ready to be cut to my design boards with all my 3X5 index cards to keep me sane and organized. Usually, I have blocks on the boards, but not today.

However, I was excited by Jenn's suggestion to slip outside between the raindrops to take a photo together! Quilter/Quilt/Quilt Recipient. The full circle of love!

A big shout of THANKS to Jenn and her family that have a couple of t-shirt quilts, and her referrals she gives to others in case they too would like a quilt created of their kids' memories.



Brenden Sweeney's Tshirt Quilt 4/5/22


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