Vive Le France 🇫🇷! Living like a local is one of the highlights of world travel. Hotels can be too sanitized, but local places owned by a local in the thick of a city centre is what makes the experiences even more special.
Except when things go wrong.
Our Bohemian Paris experience went great until the owner initially wrote a not so nice review about me regarding an old antique chair she assumed we broke. My response to that was of utmost respect and how sorry I/we were about her broken chair. 🪑
When I checked my emails this morning, she had a change of heart and was in the stages of removing the post. Kindness wins the day - even through the written word.
So after a brisk hour walk through Nîmes this morning, I was ripe for my last shower here in this outstanding medieval city. After a few minutes the shower stall was filled with at least 2” of water and flowing out to the small bathroom and into the rest of the small studio apartment. Yikes! I didn’t panic, but after the Paris apartment adventure, I notified the owner immediately about the situation.
Barefoot and dressed with my jeans hiked up to my knees, and ready to complete my packing, the owner arrived to mop up a significant amount of overflowing water within 15 minutes. The culprit, of course, the shower drain.
The owner, S, couldn’t be more aapologetic and sorry about the snafu! I was grateful I notified her immediately to take action and was impressed with her willingness to help. As I finish this post, the flooring is still drying and I’m ready to head to the train station to begin the third leg of this trip: Writing in the Cevennes with 15 other kindred spirits in the art of the written word.
bSoleille !
