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  • Writer's pictureTerri Tomoff

The Aloha Spirit Season - Help Maui Rise!

Updated: Nov 3, 2023

I promised one more serendipitous moment of leaving Hawaii two months ago, and today seems like a good day to share. Let's face it: we all know the world is in a tough place with a lot of hurt, strife, hunger, and war, but the people of Maui are still rebuilding from the devastating fire that tore through Lahaina on August 8th. It's going to be a long, uphill battle, and they can really use help, still.

When Jodie and I walked through the Maui Airport, proudly sporting our Maui Strong T-shirts while heading home, a social media influencer named Carlita (and giving aid to many families as well) approached us regarding our T-shirts and our visit to the islands (she was happy we were there). The three of us had an intense but brief conversation while filling up our water bottles about who was helping Lahaina and if anyone from the mainland could help, too. Carlita had the information on her phone and was willing to share the Google Docs of needy families. And they are still in need today.

Perhaps you may be interested in helping families through this upcoming season of giving. I applaud everyone who takes on a local needy family and transforms a Thanksgiving or Christmas by helping others. However, if you have room in your heart and budget, maybe helping a family who lost everything from the catastrophic fires in Lahaina could also feed your soul.

If you are interested in helping one family (that's all it takes), please take a look at the needs from this link (it is legit!): You can read right from the descriptions of each family/individual and make a decision to help if you'd like. If one person on the list gets a little help from one person reading this blog post, I would be so THANKFUL!!

Help Maui Rise: Directly Aid Ohana Families - NOTE: the doc is updated often (as of this writing, updated 10/31/2023)





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