Would you like to learn something new? Do you have a book you would like to write? Fiction?Nonfiction? A Children's book or a cookbook? YA or Horror? Maybe you would like to learn how to do a podcast? Write more creatively or brush up on writing a short story? How about Marketing?
All this and more will be offered one more time under Seth Godin's https://www.sethgodin.com/ Akimbo platform using Discourse. The courses are amazing! Thousands of people from around the globe have taken many of these courses and have done outstanding work.
If you have read my blog over the past couple of years, you may recall that I've taken a couple of classes; namely Writing in Community (WIC1-3) and the Story Skills Workshop. Hubby Bill has taken even more, including The Marketing Seminar, the Podcasting Fellowship, and WIC 1-3.
We are signed up for WIC5 - the last one offered under this umbrella with Kristin Hatcher at the helm. I'm toying with taking one more class. They are all so great that it's hard to pick one (besides the WIC I'm already in), but that will be all I could handle this fall (maybe even too much!).
Investing in yourself can be life-changing without breaking the bank on expensive community or university options. I can assure you that there are no grades and no one leaning over your work. You are NEVER graded, and it's a work-at-your-own-pace for most of the courses. Most all feedback is the community-driven by peers, called cohorts until like-minded others are found while working on your own various writing or projects.
Bill and I attest to how we've both changed for the better in all our endeavors, both in writing and in many aspects of our day-to-day life. The people you will meet will share so selflessly and generously while being supportive and truly inspiring that it will blow your mind. It sure has mine!
A quote from Leo Buscaglia:
“There are people waiting for someone just like us to come along. Someone who will live a happier life merely because we took the time to share what we had to give."
Sign-ups at the pricing shown are until August 10th. Below is from Akimbo:
We’re offering several upcoming workshops that will start on Monday, September 19th. And if you sign-up by Wednesday, August 10th you’ll get the early bird rate. Back by popular demand, and for the last time with Akimbo are:
https://akimbo.com/themarketingseminar The Marketing Seminar with
Seth Godin: Learn modern marketing that works.
https://akimbo.com/thecreatives Creative's Workshop with Seth Godin: Find you voice, it's time to be heard.
https://akimbo.com/thecopyworkshopThe Copy Workshop with Margo Aaron: Use words to inspire action.
https://akimbo.com/thestoryskillsworkshopThe Story Skills Workshop with Bernadette Jiwa: Tell better stories.
https://akimbo.com/writingincommunityWriting in Community with Kristin Hatcher: Publish your book.
https://akimbo.com/thepodcastingworkshopThe Podcasting Workshop with Alex DiPalma: Create your own podcast.
These workshops are proven, powerful and effective online communities that have helped more than 25,000+ people gain the skills and support to make progress and move their work forward. The September sessions are going to be some of our best—full of connection, curiosity, collaboration and learning. We also wanted to let you know that September is the last time Akimbo will host these workshops. Any future workshops sessions will be run by the teachers independent of Akimbo. Moving forward, we've decided to double down on our commitment to the altMBA. We have loved collaborating with the teachers and will miss supporting these amazing learning communities, we're excited about what's possible by choosing to focus our energy and impact on the altMBA. If you've been considering taking a workshop with us, now is the time. This is your last chance.
My hope is that a few people will take a course and learn something new. There is no time like the present! Please take advantage if you can - EVERYONE HAS A STORY TO SHARE!
Photos courtesy of Unsplash