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Writer's pictureTerri Tomoff

His and Hers Tea Kettles!

We had a blowout on our really-liked electric tea kettle this morning.

We've found that electric kettles are our favorites for quickly heating and boiling hot water. During the cold winter months, I love drinking at least 1.5 cups of hot tea (caffeinated), while Hubby Bill likes his instant, non-caffeinated coffee. After those first few cups in the morning, we drink hot water (with a splash of lemon if we have one in stock). It's delicious, really—try it if you don't believe me.

When I approached the countertop to switch the kettle on, I noticed a lot of water all over it. Nothing seemed to have spilled or was broken, but the water was pooling around and under the heating element and spreading, much to my dismay. Oh sure, we could heat the water in the microwave, but we love the kettle. This was all before 8:00 a.m. Target might have been opening then, but it was still raining here, and no one was jumping on the chance to go out for a replacement. Letting our fingers to the walking - Bill ordered his and hers kettles on a very famous app that delivers. I say his and hers because he loves the tea kettle my daughter has in her house, which he wanted to order (heats a smaller amount of water but has several heating settings). I like the more oversized kettles with the blue light going around the bottom. That blue light will notoriously go out in a few months but still heat several cups of hot water without an immediate refill!

In a couple of hours, two electric kettles were on our stoop before noon.

We know there are his and hers bathrooms, closets, and towels. Today, we've got his and hers kettles! I'll drink to that!




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