Those who have followed along with me back when I blogged in QuiltsFromTheHeart and now in Manufacturing Sunshine (THANK YOU!) probably recall how I love January sunsets. It's January 15th, and Crofton, Maryland, has not seen a spectacular sunset yet. We've had some sunny days and evenings, but not those far-out breathtaking and glorious sunsets...yet.
I will wait patiently for one to blow my socks off.
As they say, what a difference a day makes, right? In the last 24 hours, we went from windy but sunny skies to our first snowfall of the season. It's been grey all day, and I'm grateful we are tucked safely in the house on this National Holiday celebrating the birth of Martin Luther King.
The photo below needs no touch-up to showcase the grey-scale experience we are having at this point. Even the red barn in the background looks dark grey.
Do you have sunny skies today? I do in my heart...
Lastly, a quote from Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr that resonates with a world in chaos: I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear.
