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Writer's pictureTerri Tomoff

Day 21 of Childhood Cancer Awareness Month

The audiobook (episodes) continues with The Focused Fight's Chapter 23—The Transplant. While reading this Chapter, I was immediately taken back to the very first cc of blood and marrow going into Ryan's ravaged body. I can still feel the room's low hums from the many pumps, the smell of alcohol wipes as the nurses prepared his lines, and the nervous small talk we shared -all with big cleansing breaths until we saw the red liquid gold go up his first line.

Reading this all over again was a good reminder not to sweat the small stuff. We were in a life-and-death situation daily, and if not for us, for other patients on the floor. We were silently cheering on any child or young adult in all 16 rooms on Duke's PBMT Floor 5200.

Photos: 1) November 3, 2004 - Ryan and us with his 961 CCs of A+Blood and Bone Marrow; 2) The Confetti Parade leaving floor 5200 and 3) PT on the Floor.



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