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Writer's pictureTerri Tomoff

Blizzard 2022

The Holidays. The Hustle. The Bustle.

The Blizzard…of 2022

The Fun? (if you like snow, drifting, and minus degrees - how do they measure that anyways, like -70 Fahrenheit in Montana!!??)

This is a little commercial break to address the Christmas blizzard wreaking havoc in the US for about 110 million people in the next two days.

Thankfully, my son Ryan had to work until 1:00 PM yesterday. We had designs to drive to Cleveland, Ohio, for the holidays —we haven’t been here since 2019 for Christmas due to you-know-what — the minute he shut his laptop.

An early start is best, one would think. But not yesterday.

Leaving when we did (1:15 PM) gave the PA Turnpike, a mess early in the day, a chance to be clear by the time we passed through. Except for one potty stop where sidewalks were icy and dicy, we arrived safely at my sister’s home in a south Cleveland suburb. Listening and singing along to Christmas Carols, plus Ryan’s rocking playlist of rock-n-roll tunes while rolling down the highway, albeit s-l-o-w at various times, made the almost 8 hours trip which is usually a 6-hour drive in typical weather, doable and “pleasant enough.” I say this seriously since traffic was really not the issue - more rain and hydroplaning were the culprits. And hubby Bill handled the wheel like a Daytona 500 Champ!

We arrived around 9:00 PM

And then the wait was on for everything to turn…white.

Oh, it did.

As I finish this post, it is -6 F (but it feels like -30 F).

We have food in the house! We have cookies in the house. We also have lots of games in the house to play and while away for the next two days. No one will leave this beautifully decorated home with three large decorate-to-the-hilt Christmas trees and twinkling lights sprinkled throughout the house (trees/banisters/more trees).

Merry Merry and lots of hot beverages will rule the house in the immediate future!

If you are celebrating the holidays in the next few days, please stay safe! Many of us fall under those 110 million fighting the artic-polar-bone-chilling storms!

Please stay safe and warm! I'm being called to the kitchen table because it is board game time!




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