Everyone has a story to tell, and it is even better when it is shared.
A few months ago, award-winning podcaster, Tim Sohn, reached out to me and asked if I would be interested in sending him a sample chapter of a new book (anthology) he was working on and planned on publishing in the new year of 2023. I was honored and got right to work crafting that sample chapter for him, along with ten other cancer patients, survivors, and supporters, doing the same thing.
Fast forward to this week when Tim released the book for pre-order sales (see below). It already rose to #1 Best Seller on Amazon! I am thrilled to be part of this project and initiative started by Tim, a humble guy and a cancer survivor himself, not to mention his sought-after podcasts!
Tim and his co-host, Erica Campbell, of Showing Up - Perspectives On Cancer podcast fame, is also a contributor and dear friend of our family. She is the executive director of Pinky. Swear Foundation -https://pinkyswear.org/ who, with her team and donations, helps families all over the US with financial hardships.
Their show is weekly, with one guest sharing their cancer journey in various capacities (I was on in September of 2022 during Childhood Cancer Awareness Month), often sprinkled with hope and inspiration to help others. That is their message - helping others share stories in all cancer's insidious menacing tentacles for far too many people here in the US and around the globe.
Please consider ordering your copy today!
And good news for the end of February for both Ryan (today with his maxillo-facial surgeon) and me (a couple of weeks ago with my ob-gyn oncologist), in that we each got "All Clears" on our follow-up exams with our respective cancers! Those two words of the English Language are sweet to our ears in our house, even better than "how can I help?"
