Whoa, that is what you've got to be thinking, quilter or non-quilter, for any size quilt block that could take six hours to make/create.
Yep, it was guild-mate, retreater, and my secret sewing sister, Jacque Nino, who made a block that took six hours, give or take a few minutes, to chat with her table mates and anyone stopping by her workstation to see what she was up to hunched over either her cutting mat or sewing machine. She painstakingly took her good old sweet time to fashion a 1" block - finished! In chatting with her, she said she loves miniature (reduced scale) quilts. I'd call this block a minuscule (very, very tiny) block. Tomato/Tomatoh...
Most folks expressed that they have made a least a small baby quilt- maybe even quilted it in six hours. I love that Jacque has that steadfastness and never-give-up attitude -even as she quilts and creates other beautiful items. If you are wondering how many she is making today, the answer is three. She plans to put them on her name badge - that is gonna be some kind of name badge! I will cheer her on as she creates this piece of art!
Photos below: Jacque and "the block,""the block," and her newly covered composition book.
Please take a look at how tiny the triangles are in this Ohio Star block. For me....coo-coo for cocoa puffs crazy! I don't think I could ever do this block justice.