I'm thankful to be alerted by three people that the most recent blog posts I wrote and shared via Facebook seemed compromised. Those posts were written on my phone during my quilting retreat this past weekend since WIFI was not working properly, and using my phone as a hotspot for my computer was not doing its job either.
Glitches happen. I tried to pivot as best as the technology would let me. I know.... first-world problems.
Please note that there should be NO NEED to download any app (WIX) to view, respond, or comment on any post I write here in this space. I appreciate all my Sunshiners who tune in often to read my words and was thrown off by something I couldn't make sense of or change while at the retreat center. Other times I've had no issues doing exactly what I was doing this past weekend in blogging, and I apologize for any confusion.
I will roll with it and carry on. I hope you will too.