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Writer's pictureTerri Tomoff

Father's Day 2022!

Cheers to a Happy Father's Day to all the dads, uncles, brothers, grandfathers, and friends the world over! That is almost a third of the world (not counting the youngins that are not fathers yet). That is a lot of people to celebrate for sure. It's not easy being a Dad, but those who can support a family and try to do the right thing day in and day out deserve my kudos because being a father is one of the most important roles a man can have in life.

One of my favorite artists in country music is Chris Young. He is my go-to with his poignant music and lyrics (and there are many in this category, I understand). But one line in his song: It Takes a Man says it all: Any fool can make a baby, but it takes a man, to raise a child. If you'd like to tune in for this 3-minute song, click here:

My photo today is one Dad (hubby Bill), enjoying his morning with a hot cup of Joe from his favorite coffee shop, and an audiobook on his noise-canceling 'bunny ears.'

I'm hoping all the Dads out there are enjoying their day no matter what they are doing or the people (or no people - hey - there are all kinds!) that are surrounding them with love! And missing my own dad today too...




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