Liz Verrecchia!
It has been an exciting week with donations coming in to benefit! My heart is filled with gratitude with 38 entrants, which yielded 391 chances for a one-of-a-kind Christmas quilt that I hope will be cherished by Liz and her family for years to come.
A HUGE and HEARTY THANK YOU for all your donations and participation in this endeavor in 2022. The video below explains the process, narrated by hubby Bill.
Together we raised $1,575.00! We are going to Manufacture Sunshine for a couple of kids and their families battling childhood cancer this holiday season.
I am grinning ear to ear as I write this recap. I am proud of this moment and the amount generated with all your help because I know firsthand how it will help a family or two in crisis. We've been there more times than I'd like to admit.
Thank you, THANK you, THANK YOU!!!